Bad artwork

The bad news

Unfortunately, I’m not much of an artist. However, I do enjoy creating artwork and I’m currently trying to relearn how to draw. This page will contain a couple of samples, as and when I produce them.

Work in Progress 1

WIP1 Y’know, it’s really hard to draw your own eyes when they’re not looking directly at the mirror. And how the hell do you draw hair, anyway?

Work in Progress 2

WIP2 Yeah, so this one has all sorts of problems. It looks like a bad attempt at being dramatic, the composition sucks, the lighting has some issues, and I can’t seem to decide whether I’m drawing it in comic style or not. Still, I’m sticking with it because I love the texture on the background. *shrug*

Glass study

Glass StudyDrawn by hand in Photoshop, from a glass sitting on my desk. I’m not entirely happy with it – I’d like it to be a little less messy, but I always run into problems when trying for a neater style.

Ruby caustics

Ruby CausticsAn experiment with mVL – a global illumination solution for Maya. Geometrically, it’s very simple, but I’m pretty pleased with how the colours turned out.

Alien Character

Little alien dudeA character for a university virtual reality project, again using Maya. Since it was for a VR environment, it needed to be low poly, hence the low details.

Disembodied Head

Disembodied headI’ve never been very good at making character heads, so I’m going right back to basics and creating one from scratch. The modelling work on this is more or less finished, but I’m still working on texturing and animation.
This model is the one that I used in my shader effects.

· 2004-10-21 ·

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